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Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems
Hyakunin isshu (百人一首)
is a traditional anthology style of compiling Japanese waka poetry where each contributor writes one poem for the anthology. Literally, it translates to "one hundred people, one poem [each]". It also refers to the card game of uta-garuta, which uses a deck composed of poems from one such anthology.
Ogura Hyakunin Isshu
The most famous hyakunin isshu, often referred to as "the" Hyakunin Isshu because no other one compares to its notability, is the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, compiled by Fujiwara no Teika (or Sadaie, 1162 – 1241) while he lived in the Ogura district of Kyoto, Japan.
One of Teika's diaries, the Meigetsuki, says that his son, Fujiwara no Tame'ie, asked him to arrange one hundred poems for Tame'ie's father-in-law, who was furnishing a residence near Mount Ogura; hence the full name of "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu". In order to decorate screens of the residence, Fujiwara no Teika produced the calligraphy poem sheets.
In his own lifetime, Teika was well known for other work. For example, in 1200 (Shōji 2), Teika prepared another anthology of one hundred poems for ex-Emperor Go-Toba. This was called the Shōji Hyakushu.
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source : nekoarena.blog31
box for writing utensils with motive of mount Ogura in autumn
Many poems make a reference to a famous place in Japan.
. Utamakura 歌枕 place names used in Poetry .
"makura kotoba" 枕詞, 枕言葉, "pillow words"
. Karuta, Uta Karuta 歌留多 Poetry Card Game.
Matsuo Basho at Temple Jojakkoji 常寂光寺 ,
"Mountain abode at Ogura" 小倉の山院
. Matsuo Basho at Mount Ogura .
Shigure no Matsu 時雨の松 The Pine in Winter Sleet
北斎百人一首 Hokusai and the 100 Poems told by Nurses
姥がゑとき - 百人一首うばが絵説
2 - Empress Jito Tenno, Jitō 持統天皇
. Ama no Kaguyama 天の香具山 "Mount of Heaven's Perfume".
Mount Kaguyama 香久山 Fragrant Mountain, Fragrant Hill- Nara
4 - Yamabe no Akahito 山辺赤人
. Tago no Ura 田子の浦 Tago no Ura Bay .
Tagonoura, port town, Shimizu, Shizuoka, with a view of Mt. Fuji
6 - Chuunagon Yakamochi 中納言家持
Kasasagi no hashi かささぎの橋
The Magpie Bridge. stairway bridge in Kyoto, a metaphor for the Milky Way
7 - Abe no Nakamaro 安倍仲麿
. Mount Mikasa 三笠 - Wakakusayama 若草山.
8 - Monk Kisen 喜撰法師
64 - GonChunagon Fujiwara no Sadayori 権中納言定頼
(river Ujigawa 宇治の川)
. Ujiyama うぢ山 Mount Uji 宇治山 .
10 - Semimaru 蝉丸
25 - Fujiwara no Sadakata Sanjo Udaijin 三条右大臣
62 - Lady Sei Shonagon 清少納言
. Osaka no Seki 逢坂(あふさか)の関 Osaka Barrier .
Osakayama 逢坂山
11 - Ono no Takamura 参議篁
. Yasoshima 八十島 Eighty Islands .
13 - Emperor Yozei 陽成院
. Tsukubase 筑波嶺 Mount Tsukuba 筑波山 .
14 - Minamoto no Toru 源融, Kawara no Sadaijin 河原左大臣
. Michinoku みちのく - Mutsu 陸奥 .
16 - Ariwara no Yukihira, Chunagon 中納言行平
. Inaba no yama いなばの山 Mount Inaba 稲葉山, Tottori .
The White Rabbit of Inaba 因幡の白兎
. Inaba-Manyo History Museum 因幡万葉歴史館 .
in honor of Otomo no Yakamochi, compiler of the Manyoshu poetry collection.
. 17 - Ariwara no Narihira Ason 在原業平朝臣 .
. Tatsuta-gawa 龍田川 River Tatsuta ?Tatta .
18 - Fujiwara no Toshiyuki Ason 藤原敏行朝臣
. Sumi no E 住の江/住之江/住吉(すみのえ)Suminoe Bay .
Osaka (Sumiyoshi)
19 - Lady Ise 伊勢
20 Motoyoshi Shinno 元良親王
88 - Koka Moin no Betto 皇嘉門院別当
. Naniwa gata 難波潟 Naniwa marsh (Osaka) 難波江 .
24 - Sugawara no Michizane 菅家 Kan Ke
. Tamukeyama 手向山 Nara .
葛飾北斎 Katsushika Hokusai
百人一首うばが絵説(100 Poems told By Nurses)
26 - Teishi Ko 貞信公 Fujiwara no Tadahira 藤原忠平
Ogurayama Mine no momijiba Kokoro araba
Ima hitotabi no Miyuki matanan
If the maple leaves
On Ogura mountain
Could only have hearts,
They would longingly await
The emperor's pilgrimage.
27 - Chunagon Kanesuke 中納言兼輔 Fujiware no Kanesuke
Mika no Hara みかの原 and River Izumigawa 泉川
Flows into Kizugawa 木津川 in Kyoto
Fujiwara no Kanesuke (877—933)
© More about Kanesuke in the WIKIPEDIA !
- Plain Mika no Hara, Izumigawa, Kyoto
31 - Sakanoue no Korenori 坂上是則
94 - Sangi Fujiwara no Masatsune 参議雅経
Yoshino no Sato 吉野の里 - Miyoshi no Yama みよし野の山
. Yoshinoyama - 吉野山 .
34 - Fujiwara no Okikaze 藤原興風
Takasago no Matsu 高砂の松 Pine at Takasago
. The Takasago Legend 高砂伝説 .
42 - Kiyohara no Motosuke 清原元輔
Sue no Matsuyama 末の松山 - Iwate, Hachinohe
. Michinoku 陸奥 .
46 - Sone no Yoshitada 曽禰好忠
Yura no to 由良のと - Yura no Minato 由良の湊
. River Yuragawa 由良川 in Tanba .
51 - Fujiwara no Sanekata Ason 藤原実方朝臣
Ibuki いぶき - Mount Ibuki 伊吹山, Shiga
. Mount Ibuki yama 伊吹山 .
. 藤中将実方 Tono Chujo Sanekata .
His exile in Kasajima 笠島.
58 - Daini no Sanmi, Lady Kataiko 大弐三位
Arimayama ありま山
. Arima Tosen Shrine 有馬 湯泉神社 Toosen Jinja .
60 - Koshikibu no Naishi 小式部内侍
Ooeyama 大江山 Oeyama, the Ikuno plain いく野-生野
and Amanohashidate
. Ama no Hashidate 天橋立, Wakasa .
61 - Lady Ise no Osuke 伊勢大輔
98 - Junii Fujiwara no Ietaka 従二位家隆
Nara no Miyako 奈良の都
. Nara 奈良 the ancient capital .
69 - Monk Noin Hoshi 能因法師 (Nooin Hooshi)
. Mimuroyama 三室の山- 御室山 Mount Mimuro .
Mount Miwa in Nara
Tatsutagawa 龍田の川 - (see Nr. 17)
72 - Lady Yushi Naishinno-ke no Kii 祐子内親王家紀伊
Takashi no Hama 高師の浜 - 高師浜
At Osaka Bay, Takaishi town 大阪府高石市.
- Takashi no Ura 高師の浦 -
74 - Minamoto no Toshiyori Ason 源俊頼朝臣
Hatsuse はつせ Hase
. Temple Hasedera 長谷寺 Nara .
78 - Minamoto no Kanemasa 源兼昌
Awaji island and Suma 淡路島 - すま
. Suma and Iro no Hama 須磨 と 色の浜 .
. Awaji island 淡路島 .
90 - Inpu Moin no Taifu 殷富門院大輔
Ojima 雄島 in Miyagi, Matsushima
. Matsushima 松島 .
95 - Abbot Saki no Daisojo Jien 前大僧正慈円
. Mount Hiei, Hieizan 比叡山, Hiei-zan .
97 - GonChunagon Sadaie 権中納言定家
Fujiwara no Sadaie, Fujiwara no Teika
Matsuho no Ura まつほの浦 - 松帆の浦
at Awaji Island 淡路島北端の松帆崎
. Awaji island 淡路島 .
- - - - - External LINKS
Text in Japanese and English - Virginia University
Tr. by Clay MacCauley
source : etext.lib.virginia.edu
Sources of the Texts and Images
source : hyakunin/sources.
A Hundred Verses from Old Japan
translated by William N. Porter (1909)
English only
source : www.sacred-texts.com
One Hundred Poets in One Hundred Poems
with intensive explanations - bilingual
source : www.heliam.net
Pictures of the Heart:
The Hyakunin Isshu in Word and Image
Joshua S. Mostow
source : googleusercontent.com
One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each:
A Translation of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu
Peter McMillan
David Bull's 'Hyakunin Isshu' Woodblock Print Series - "Hyakunin Issho"
"I carved and printed each one using exactly the same techniques that were used to create the original book in 1775. For a master reference, I used a copy in the possession of the Toyo Bunko, a research library in Tokyo, whose staff were most helpful, and to whom I am grateful for permission to reproduce this work."
source : woodblock.com/poets
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
100 Poems - 100 Poets
Steve Mangan (Köy Deli), Jane Reichhold
annotated translations
source : 100 poems-100 poets.blogspot.jp
The wonderful worlds of 100 waka
For 1,500 years, people in Japan have being writing poems in lines of 5-7-5-7-7 syllables each. Even today they're a part of daily life — and especially at New Year's, the role played by the revered 'Hyakunin Isshu' collection often becomes decidedly unpoetic . . .
Explanations and some translations
. The wonderful worlds of 100 waka .
All in Japanese, info about the poets
source : ja.wikipedia.org
All in Japanese, explanations about the poems
source : kazuchan
Shinwa no Mori 神話の森
source : nire.main.jp
. Arare crackers devoted to the Ogura collection .
Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家
also known as Fujiwara no Sadaie or Sada-ie,
(1162 – September 26, 1241)
a Japanese poet, critic, calligrapher, novelist, anthologist, scribe, and scholar of the late Heian and early Kamakura periods.
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Fujiwara no Teika and the Four Seasons
According to his diary MEIGETSUKI 明月記
kachoo waka 花鳥和歌各十二首
Twelve-Month Poem Series on Flowers and Birds
. gachoo 画帳 - 画帖 painting collections .
Fujiwara no Teika and
. Daruma Uta 達磨歌 Daruma-sect poems .
散る花を 追ひかけて行く 嵐かな
chiru hana o oikakete yuku arashi kana
chasing after
the falling blossoms,
the tempest
Tr. Robin D. Gill
. Soojoo Henjoo 僧正遍照 Sojo Henjo .
Sōjō Henjō (遍昭 or 遍照, 816 – February 12, 890)
Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems
Posted by
Gabi Greve
Labels: Japan
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The wonderful worlds of 100 waka
For 1,500 years, people in Japan have being writing poems in lines of 5-7-5-7-7 syllables each. Even today they're a part of daily life — and especially at New Year's, the role played by the revered 'Hyakunin Isshu' collection often becomes decidedly unpoetic
Just how much more becomes especially evident at New Year’s, which is to families in Japan the time of year most akin to the Carters’ gathering last week. Then, one hyakunin isshu collection in particular — the overwhelmingly best-known “Ogura Hyakunin Isshu” anthology of 100 poems compiled in Kyoto’s Ogura district by Fujiwara no Teika (or Sadaie, 1162-1241) — comes prominently into play, and especially in the interactive parlor game (which may also be a sport) called uta-garuta.
In the dynamic competitive version of uta-garuta called kyogi-karuta, demure young 21st-century ladies in kimonos fling themselves at cards and scatter them across the tatami. Oddly, too, this has a lot in common with sumo, another ancient form of entertainment which stipulates formal dress (un-dress in the latter case), respect for the opponent, strict etiquette, no arguing with the ref and a ranking system — and in which success can hinge on moments of split-second action when suddenly everything turns rough and nasty. In terms of speed, kyogi-karuta’s right up there with kendo.
Japan Times
Waka by. Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家.
maki no to ni tataku kuina no akebono ni
hito ya ayame no noki no utsuri ka
"At dawn I heared a knock at the door,
but when I opened there was nobody,
just the voice of a water rail outside."
Matsuo Basho
kono yado wa kuina mo shiranu toboso kana
this lodging has a door
not even known
to the water rail
Discussion is HERE.
Ashiki no yama no konure no hoyo torite kazashitsuraku wa chitose hoku to so
Taking the mistletoe from the top of the mountain and placing it in my hair,
wanting to celebrate a thousand years.
Oomoto no Yakamochi
Tr. Haruo Shirane
. . .
Young leaves
Fujiwara no Toshiyuki 藤原敏行
aki kinu to me ni wa sayaka ni miene domo
kaze no oto nizo odorokaenuru
Autumn has come
Without realizing clearly
With eyes, however,
The sound of wind
Surprises us.
and Matsuo Basho
aki ki ni keri mimi o tazunete makura no kaze
autumn has come -
the wind has come to visit
my ear at the pillow
Onihishigitei, Style of Demon-Quelling Force
Onihishigitei is the style of demon-quelling force, and it is characterized by its “strong or even vulgar diction.” (Brower, p. 406) This style refers to poems whose “imagery or treatment conveys an impression of violence. Such poems are found in particular in Book XVI of Man’yoshū." (Brower and Miner, p. 247)
Below is an excerpt from Fujiwara Teika's Maigetsusho to illustrate this style:
Of the twelve examples of the demon-quelling style in Teika Jittei (“Teika's Ten Styles”), the following version of a poem in Man'yoshu is the most 'violent' (Man'yoshu, 4:503; also, Shinkokinshu, 10:911):
Kamikaze ya Breaking off the reeds
Ise no hamaogi That grow along the beach at Ise
Orishikite Of the Divine Wind,
Tabine ya suran Does he spread them for his traveler's bed
Araki hamabe ni There on the rough sea strand?
MORE by Chen-ou Liu, 劉鎮歐
hooshi dete kirawaruru nari utagaruta
the priest-poet came up -
I hate it, I hate it, this
poetry trump
. Awano Seiho 阿波野青畝
In the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu card game, there are quite a few hooshi 法師 priests.
Sometimes a special game is played, the "boozu meguri 坊主めくり". If you draw the card of one of the priests, you have to perform some spacial tricks or have your face painted black with ink. That is why the hooshi - boozu card is not well liked.
about hanafuda and card games
One Hundred Poets Digital Collection,
part of The University of British Columbia Library Digital Collections.
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