Temple Tanjo-Ji
Tanjooji 誕生寺 Okayama
My Introduction
Temple Tanjo-Ji and Honen Shonin 法然上人
More of my PHOTOS from Temple Tanjo-Ji
. O-Shichi Kannon お七観音
. Tanjo-Ji in Autumn 2007
The Huge Gingko Tree
autumn deepens -
the beauty of prayer
in stone
Tanjo-Ji Neirkuyo 誕生時 練り供養
. wispering words
of eternal love
December 2009
. Colors of Hope at Tanjo-Ji
New Year 2009
Take a Ginko Haiku Walk in Temple Tanjo-Ji
The Big Buddha of temple Tanjo-Ji
Amida Nyorai no Daibutsu 阿弥陀如来
He has been standing in the dark at the foot of a hill, surrounded by trees and gravestones, in a gloomy part of the temple compound.
. The Big Buddha covered with Moss (2007)
Since December 2009 he is out in the open, freshly cleaned and on a huge podest.
above the pine needles
beside the bamboo grove
some people have work
some people have no work
New Year is coming
. Haiku and Happiness
The former companions of the Big Buddha Statue
muenbotoke, graves of the unknown
More of my PHOTOS from Temple Tanjo-Ji
Tanjo-Ji Okayama
Posted by
Gabi Greve
Labels: Japan
Honen and Temple Tanjo-Ji
- - - BACKUP
. 法然上人 Saint Honen (1133-1212) .
Saint Hoonen, Hoonen Shoonin, Honen
Founder of Pure Land Buddhism
For kigo about his memorial day see below.
I live very close to the temple where Honen was born, Tanjoo-Ji in Okayama prefecture.
Posthumously known as Enko Daishi 円光大師
The Life of Honen Shonin
Honen Bo Genku (1133-1212), or simply Honen, is one of the most outstanding figures in the long history of Japanese Buddhism. Along with Dogen, Nichiren and Shinran, his disciple, he represents the core of the revolutionary Kamakura Buddhist movement which created the first popular and uniquely Japanese forms of Buddhism. Though not as noted in the West than these counterparts, Honen is perhaps the most pivotal of the four since he was the first to break with the established centers of Tendai (Ch. T'ien T'ai) and Shingon (tantric) patronized by the royal court and military authorities.
It was at age 43, with a deepening exposure to the Pure Land teachings of the great Chinese Master Shan-tao (Jp. Zendo), that Honen made this radical break to pursue his own spiritual vision. The rest of his life is an unfolding of his own particular and uniquely Japanese vision of Pure Land Buddhism. This second period of his life also marks the blooming of his teachings amongst the peasant classes of medieval Japan and his clashes with imperial and shogunal authority.
From his systematization of a unique Japanese Pure Land tradition, the nembutsu (念仏nenbutsu), or calling on the grace of Amida Buddha, has become the most popular form of Buddhist practice and devotion in Japan. Two of Japan's largest denominations, Jodo-shu (浄土宗 joodoshu) centered around Honen and Jodoshin-shu centered around his disciple Shinran, are further marks of his legacy.
I. A Personal Portrait
Major Biographies of Honen
II. Early Life and Training in Tendai-shu
Social and Religious Turmoil in Late Heian Japan
Syncretic Development of the Tendai School in Japan
Tendai-shu Esoteric and Exoteric Lineages
The Influence of Genshin's Ojoyoshu on Honen
III. Religious Conversion
Textual Evidence in the Biographies
IV. Persecution and Final Days
Kofuku-ji Petition (Kofuku-ji sojo)
1133 Born on April 7 in Mimasaka in present day Okayama Prefecture
1145 Leaves home to become a monk at the Tendai center of Mt. Hiei
1150 Moves to the Kurodani Retreat area of Mt. Hiei and studies under Eiku
1175 Has conversion experience reading Shan-tao's Commentary on the Meditation Sutra and leaves Mt. Hiei.
1186 "Ohara Debate" with group of Buddhist scholar-monks from Nara and Mt. Hiei marks seminal moment in legitimation and spread of teachings
1191 Gives series of lectures on the Three Pure Land Sutras (jodosanbukyo) to a large group of scholar monks at Todai-ji in Nara
1195 Genchi becomes the first of his major disciples
1198 Honen's magnum opus, the Senchaku Hongan Nembutsu Shu (Passages on the Selection of the Nembutsu in the Original Vow), is dictated and transcribed to his disciples Junsai, Kansai and Shoku.
1198-1206 Experiences sustained states of absorption and spontaneous visualization of the Pure Land which he chronicles in the Sanmai-hottokuki (Record of Attaining Samadhi)
1201 Shinran, the founder of Jodo Shinshu, becomes his disciple
1204 Writes the Shichikajo-kishomon (Seven Article Pledge) in response to the Genkyu Oppression by the monks of Mt. Hiei
1207 Sent into exile to Shikoku by Emperor Gotoba after two of his ladies in waiting are converted and become nuns under Honen's disciples Anraku and Juren who are subsequently beheaded.
1211 Finally is allowed to return to Kyoto four years after his pardon
1212 Writes Ichimai Kishomon (The One Sheet Document) and passes away on January 23 reciting the nembutsu
Honen: The Life and Art of the Founder of the Pure Land Buddhist Sect'
Kyoto National Museum, till May 8, 2011
The portrait of Honen Shoin (13th century) is known in Japanese as "Kagami no Miei" (mirror portrait 鑑御影) and shows the famous Buddhist priest seated on a mat, slightly slumped and holding his nenju (rosary). For the title of another famous 13th-century depiction of a well-known Buddhist priest, Shinran, the same kanji characters are given a slightly different reading. This time the mirror portrait is titled "Kagami no Goei."
Though the popularity of their faiths rose during the Kamakura Period (1185-1333), Honen and Shinran were not the originators of Pure Land Buddhism, which is believed to have arrived from India via China as early as the 7th century. In 1175, after decades of study, Honen read the "Meditation Sutra" by the Chinese Pure Land monk Shandao (613-681) and arrived at the understanding that the exclusive practice of nembutsu was needed to be reborn in the Western Pure Land paradise.
Shinran : The Founder of the Jodo-Shinshu Buddhism: His Life and Legacy
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, till May 29, 2011
source : Japan Times
More details about Saint Honen .
The Memorial Statue of the Mother of Saint Honen in Mimasaka.
© Gabi Greve
Tanjoo-ji 誕生時
The Ceremony of the 25 Bosatsu 二十五菩薩練供養
Third Sunday in April
This temple is also famous for its huge Gingko biloba tree (another kigo).
Memorial Ceremony for Honen, April 18 to April 25
This is a kigo for late spring, category Observance. There are some variations for this kigo.
Gyoki 御忌
Hoonen-ki (Honenki) 法然忌
Enkoo-Ki 円光忌
taking part in the ceremony, gyoki moode 御忌詣で
Temple with a memorial ceremony, gyoki no tera 御忌の寺
loosening the strings of the sutras, kyoo no himotoki 経の紐解き
..... (on the first day of the seven day ceremonies)
special kimono for the gyoki ceremony, gyoki kosode 御忌小袖
..... (worn by the chique ladies of Kyoto for this ceremony)
Ceremony for Hoonen, gyoki-e 御忌会
..... (sometimes on the 25 of January)
First Lunchbox, bentoo hajime 弁当初め > Lunchbox (kigo)
..... (visitors bring their own lunchbox and enjoy it in the temple grounds)
The Gyoki Ceremony at Temple Chion-In, Kyoto
Chio-in is just north of the Yasaka Shrine and Maruyama Park.It is the head temple of the Jodo ("Pure Land") sect of Buddhism. It is one of the most important spritual places in Japan. The Jodo sect is the most popular Buddhist sect in Japan.
The 74-tons temple bell is also the largest in Japan. It takes as many as 17 monks to operate it at the New Year ceremony in which the bell is struck 108 times representing the 108 desires in the mind to be gotten rid of before the new year begins
Picture Scroll of his Life at the Chion-In
. WKD : Haiku about Chion-in 知恩院 / 智恩院 .
The Gyoki Ceremony at Kita Kogane, with many pictures
Great photo of the pagoda by Frantisek Staud
Chion-In with many pictures of the compounds.
分かれても まだ会える 浄土あり
Joodo Paradise -
the place where we meet again
after we part
Gabi Greve, April 2007
. Tanjo-Ji in Autumn 2007
The Huge Gingko Tree
autumn deepens -
the beauty of prayer
in stone
Tanjo-Ji Neirkuyo 誕生時 練り供養
. The Big Buddha of Tanjo-Ji 2009
. O-Shichi Kannon お七観音
. More of my PHOTOS from Temple Tanjo-Ji
Take the Slide Show !
Posted by
Gabi Greve
Labels: Japan
Spring Festival 2008 Tanjoji
procession of the children procession of the 25 Bodhisattvas starts Bosatsu with a flute spring ceremony - he leads his Buddha by the hand |
Tanjo-Ji Neirkuyo 誕生時 練り供養
Procession of the 25 Bodhisattvas in honour of the parents of Saint Honen Shonin, who was born here.
The masks do not provide much vision for the wearer, so eack Bosatsu is trusting its leader on the way. It is a special honour to be choosen as one of the 25 each year.
The Amida Prayer Namu Amida Butsu was chanted the whole day via loudspeakers in the temple compound.
. Check the PHOTO ALBUM from here to Nr. 34
. Temple Tanjo-Ji ant Saint Honen
25 Bosatsu
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008
Posted by
Gabi Greve
Labels: Japan
O-Shichi Kannon
Fudo Myo-O Gallery
O-Shichi Kannon お七観音
At the Temple Tanjo-Ji in Okayama
A bell to warn if there is a fire
As a special temple of the pilgrimage to the 33 Kannon Temples in Central Japan, Tanjo-Ji (Tanjooji) hosts a hall for the Kannon Statue carved by Jigaku Daishi and enshrined here in 1631 by the Lord of Tsuyama.
This statue is now called "O-Shichi Kannon" to remind us of the famous woman "O-Shichi" who started a great fire in the Edo period, where many lives were lost and many temples burnt down. This statue is also for the repose of the soul of O-Shichi herself.
特別霊場 誕生寺 岡山県久米南町
Yaoya no O-Shichi Greengrocer's Daughter Oshichi
Most people in Japan live in wooden houses. During the Edo era, those houses in Edo (Tokyo) stood much too close together. So if a fire broke out, it could spread rapidly. One of the big fires then was called 'the Big Fire in Tenna' or 'Oshichi-fire'.
Once there lived a greengrocer named Hachibei in Hongo, a town in Edo, with his wife and daughter Oshichi who was then 16 years old. She looked older than her age, though. It was 28th of December 1682, when a fire broke out in a nearby temple.
"Fire! Fire!" people shouted and ran this way and that way trying to make their escape.
Hachibei urged his wife and daughter Oshichi to get out of the house,
"It's getting windier. It must be a big fire. What is worse, our house is standing downwind of the fire. It's dangerous to stay here. Let's evacuate to the Kichijoji Temple."
(It was in Komagome, where their ancestor's grave was.)
"Run faster, or the fire will catch you! Don't stop!" Oshichi was said.
She followed her parents and ran as fast as her legs could move.
The fire started burning around noon and was put out at around five the next morning. It is said that over 3,500 people were killed in the fire.
Kichijoji Temple was already filled with a lot of refugees. The mother happened to see a young man sitting in the corner of the room trying to take a splinter out of his finger. She said to her daughter,
"Oshichi, that young man over there seems to have some troubles. Maybe he got a splinter in his finger. Go and help him take it out, while I greet the priest."
The daughter approached him to offer a help. She took his hand to examine. Soon she said,
"I got it! Are you feeling better?"
He smiled at her and said,
"Yeah, thank you. You helped me a lot."
The young man was working at the temple, as his parents asked the priest to look after him.
Hand in hand, the two young people gazed at each other for a while. Eventually they fell in love.
"Oshichi, Oshichi, I'm coming," the girl's mother called her daughter's name.
"Oh, your name is Oshichi, isn't it? I'm Kichisaburo," he said.
"Kichisaburo? Can I call you Kichi-sama?" the girl said.
"Sure. Uh...I want to know a bit more about you. Please write me a note and put it under that big stone there in the garden," he asked.
"Yeah, I will," she said and went away with her mother.
Oshichi and her parents were forced to stay in the temple until their house was rebuilt. During the days, the girl shared happy hours with the young man exchanging letters secretly. She found a letter written by him under the big rock in the garden and put her own letter there instead.
Continued HERE
External LINK
O-Shichi Kannon at Tanjo-Ji
美作観音霊場 List of the Temples
Photos of Tanjo-Ji
「八百屋お七と吉三の悲恋の碑」Stone Memorial of O-Shichi in Meguro Tokyo
fire and love -
quite a hot topic
for a cold night
More about FIRE and HAIKU
My Introduction
Temple Tanjo-Ji and Honen Shonin 法然上人
More of my PHOTOS from Temple Tanjo-Ji 2007
Posted by
Gabi Greve
Labels: Japan
Tanjo-Ji in Autumn 2007
autumn deepens - the unfettered beauty of this Amida temple autumn deepens - the beauty of prayer in stone DRAGON BRANCHES Amida Buddha |
Temple Tanjo-Ji, ALBUM November 2007
Temple Tanjo-Ji in my neighbourhood
Temple Tanjo-Ji in Okayama
Saint Honen was born here !
Saint Honen, born at this temple ..
by Gabi Greve
Joodo Paradise where we meet again ..
***** pickled radish, takuanzuke 沢庵漬
kigo for all winter
..... Takuan was a famous Zen Priest, who invented this dish. It is very popular. Zen monks are supposed to eat their slices of Takuan radish without making any noise. There are usually two slices on the plate, used to carefully clear out the bolws afer eating and then munching the Takuan in silence.
If you want to know the secret of eating Takuan in silence, contact me :o) !
The Unfettered Mind. by Takuan Soho
Read my Haiku Archives 2007
Posted by
Gabi Greve
Labels: Japan
Big Buddha in Autumn 2007
分かれても まだ会える 浄土あり ![]() Joodo Paradise - the place where we meet again after we part ![]() |
Temple Tanjo-Ji in Yuge Tanjoo-Ji, birth temple of Honen Shonin.
. . The Big Buddha of temple Tanjo-Ji
On his new podest, December 2009
Read my Haiku Archives 2007
Posted by
Gabi Greve
Sacred Gingko Tree 2007
. ichoo, itchoo - Icho Gingko tree and kigo .
- Gingko tree legends, see below -
sacred gingko tree - a prayer falls with every leaf the huge trunk with the sacred rope sacred gingko tree - how many tears have you witnessed ? |
As I was standing below this old, huge tree, camera poised upward, there was all of a sudden a strong sweep of wind and all these leaves kept dancing around me, rustling down with a thousand strange voices, each one saying its own prayer ...
a sacred moment and so unexpected
sacred gingko tree -
each leaf rustles a prayer
as it falls
Read about my visit to
Temple Tanjo-Ji, 誕生寺 Okayama
The Sacred Gingko Tree of Saint Honin !
It is more than 800 years old.
- - - - -
. Kamakura and the old Gingko Tree .
銀杏散る遠くに風の 音すれば
ichoo chiru tooku ni kaze no oto sureba
scattering gingko leaves
faint sound from the wind
far away
Tomiyasu Fusei (1885 - 1979)
TREES as topic for haiku !
. ichoo, itchoo - Icho Gingko tree and kigo .
Aah, but a prayer always rises !
Leaves saying prayers?
Faith and prayer, expressed in haiku
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Chiba 千葉県
. 松虫姫伝説 - Legend of Princess Matsumushi .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Fukushima
- - - - -
相馬郡 新地町
Minamoto no Yoshiie 源義家
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Kyoto 京都府
. the head of Taira no Masakado 平将門 .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Nagano 長野県
. Yakushi sama 薬師様 at 戸倉山 Togura-Yama .
- - - - -
下伊那郡 高森町
Jizoo 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Niigata 新潟県
佐渡郡 相川町
fundoshi ふんどし,koshimaki 腰巻
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Tokushima 徳島県
. 山の神 and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Tokyo 東京
. sakasa ichoo 逆さいちょう "the upside-down gingko tree" .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Yamagata 山形県
. Icho from temple 珍蔵寺 Chinzo-Ji .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
いちょうの木 - finish
41 銀杏 to collect
- #gingko #Icho #itcho -
Posted by
Gabi Greve
Labels: Japan