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. Legends about usagi 兎 .
The White Rabbit of Inaba 因幡の白兎 Just offshore at Hakuto Beach 白兎 (White Rabbit Beach) is a small island that is part of a local folktale. The story goes that a rabbit was trapped on the island, longing to return to his family on the mainland. He tricked a family of sharks into lining up so he could hop on their backs to the shore, but as he reached the last shark, he sneered that he had deceived them; enraged, the sharks tore off all the rabbit's fur. To make matters worse, some cruel gods told the rabbit he would be cured if he bathed in the sea, which he did, only to find that the salt stung his wounds quite badly. The youngest brother of the gods, Okuninushi no Mikoto (Daikoku in Buddhism), felt sorry for the crying rabbit, and told him to bathe in fresh water and dry off with cattails. The rabbit was cured and predicted that the god would become the ruler of the Inaba region, which came true. Reminders of this story abound in the Tottori area, and you will see the white rabbit on everything from bridges to sewer grates to flower arrangements, sometimes accompanied by a rather fat god carrying a big sack. . Usagi Daikoku Folk Toys 兎大黒 . Daikoku with the white rabbits ![]() source : Tomofumi - facebook The White Rabbit of Inaba . Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine . . wani : shark and crocodile - Introduction . ....................................................................... Karo-ichi Seafood Market, Fish Market 鳥取港海鮮市場かろいち at Karo Harbour 賀露みなと hotaru ika squid pressed into a senbei eight types of mountain vegetables seven lucky grains and rice . Ge Ge Ge, gegege no Kitaro (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎) . The life story of this cartonist, Mizuki Shigeru 水木しげる, is on TV right now. gegege no nyobo, the wife of gegege Shigeru comes from Sakai Minato in Tottori, so many products with his name are offered. 武良茂 Mura Shigeru gegege curry ! ![]() Azuki-Arai 小豆洗い Monster washing azuki beans ................................................................................. Daruma watches |
The eighty-one brothers
and the white hare of Inaba
Japanese fairy tales
By Teresa Peirce Williston : googlebooks
The Hare of Inaba
Told by Mrs. T.H. James; 1892;
Griffith, Farran & Co. in London & Sydney.

This particular story – illustrated here and retold in English – involves a mistreated hare, a bridge of crocodiles, eighty mean brothers, one good brother, and a beautiful princess. In Japanese folklore, the hare is believed to be able to live up to a thousand years, with its fur turning white at the age of 500 years.
- source : publicdomainreview.org -
- #hareofinaba -

Chindonya Izakaya ちんどん屋
Happily cheap restaurant line, but much of the old Edo atmosphere.
We worked our way through three different izakaya, but all were almost empty and rather quiet ... quite eerie for a sunday night, Mother's Day.
my ALBUM ... start from here
. a crazy cat
on the restaurant wall ...
travelling in spring
Izakaya, 居酒屋, public drinking house
Izakaya ... die japanische Kneipe
Regional Dishes from Tottori prefecture
Cake like the white rabbit of Inaba
. Tottori Sand Art Museum
. . . Tottori Jinpukaku Mansion

立ち別れ いなばの山の 峰に生ふる
Tachi wakare Inaba no yama no Mine ni oru
Matsu to shi kikaba Ima kaeri kon
Though we are parted,
If on Mount Inaba's peak
I should hear the sound
Of the pine trees growing there,
I'll come back again to you.
16 - Ariwara no Yukihira, Chunagon 中納言行平
. Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems 小倉百人一首 .
. Folk Toys from Tottori .
An amulet for beauty
with the white rabbit at the bottom of it !
from . Kanda Myoojin Shrine 神田明神 Kanda Myojin Shrine . - Tokyo
Inaba Yakushi 因幡薬師
In the Kamakura period at 997, 橘行平 Tachibana no Yukihira became regend of 因幡国 Inaba provice (now in Tottori). While he was there he became ill and had a dream.
At the beach of 因幡賀留津 Karunotsu in Inaba there is a sacred tree. When he went there, it was not a tree but a statue of Yakushi Nyorai hauled out of the waters. So he had a preliminary Hall build for the statue.
When Yukihira had gone back to Kyoto, he had another dream. A monk from the "Heaven in the West" 西の天 came to visit him and told him to save all the people in the east.
When he woke up he was told about a visitor at his gate. He thought it was the monk from his dream and went to the West Gate to greet him. By the time they opened the gate, the statue of Yakushi was standing there. It had come flying after him and landed in his estate. This is the beginning of the 因幡堂 Inaba Hall.
This was in the year 1003.
MORE in my blog
San-In-gasuri 山陰絣 San-In Kasuri - Ikat from Tottori 鳥取県
Yumihama-gasuri Textile 弓浜絣
with Daikoku and the Hare of Inaba
Legend from Gifu 揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa
The messenger of Yamanokami is a shiro usagi 白ウサギ white rabbit.
If someone happens to see it, he will be cursed.
Legend about
Gassan tamausagi 月山玉兎
Treasure Rabbit from Mount Gassan
gyokuto 玉兎
The rabbit in the moon
usagi 兎 / 兔 / うさぎ / ウサギ と伝説 Legends about the rabbit / hare
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